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Point of Entry


This script automates the process of generating a blog post from a YouTube video by performing the following steps:

  1. Downloads the audio and video from the YouTube video.
  2. Transcribes the audio into text.
  3. Generates a summary of keywords from the transcription.
  4. Creates a blog post using the generated summary.
  5. Extracts frames from the video and scores them based on the keywords.
  6. Saves the best frames as images.


  1. Make sure you have set up the necessary environment variables and installed the required libraries.
  2. Run the script and provide the YouTube URL when prompted.


  1. Enter YouTube URL: [Provide the YouTube video URL]
  2. The script will download the audio and video, transcribe the audio, generate a summary of keywords, create a blog post, extract frames, score them, and save the best frames.


  • Python libraries:
  • requests: Used for making HTTP requests.
  • dotenv: Used for loading environment variables from a .env file.

  • Custom utility modules:

  • Downloader: Downloads audio and video from YouTube.
  • Transcriber: Transcribes audio files into text.
  • Summarizer: Generates keyword summaries from text content using an API.
  • Blogger: Generates blog posts using keyword summaries.
  • Framer: Extracts frames from videos.
  • Scorer: Scores frames based on keywords.
  • Saver: Saves the best frames as images.