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Downloader Class


The Downloader class provides methods for downloading audio and video files from YouTube using the pytube library.

Class Definition

from __future__ import annotations
from pytube import YouTube

class Downloader:
    def __init__(self, url: str):
        Initialize the Downloader instance.

            url : str
                The YouTube video URL to download.

    def audio(self):
        Download the audio-only version of the YouTube video.

    def video(self):
        Download the highest resolution video of the YouTube video.


__init__(url) - Initializes a Downloader instance with the provided YouTube video URL (url).

audio() - Downloads the audio-only version of the YouTube video.

video() - Downloads the highest resolution video of the YouTube video.

Example Usage

# Initialize Downloader instance
downloader = Downloader(url="")

# Download audio-only version

# Download highest resolution video

Usage Notes

  • Ensure you have the pytube library installed (pip install pytube).
  • Provide a valid YouTube video URL when initializing the Downloader instance.
  • The audio() method downloads the audio-only version of the video and saves it as "audio.mp4" in the current directory.
  • The video() method downloads the highest resolution video and saves it as "video.mp4" in the current directory.


  • pytube: Used for downloading YouTube videos.
  • pytube Documentation
  • YouTube API